Java is simply a general purpose, high performance object oriented programming language developed by Sun Microsystems in 1991 by James Gosling.The first publicly available version of Java (Java 1.0) was released in 1995. Java is originally designed for the development of applications that can be embedded into everyday household consumer electronic appliances like TVs, Washing Machines, Mobile Phones etc. The most striking feature of java is that it is a platform neutral language, this means program written in Java can be used on any computer running any operating system.
There are 2 basic types of Java applications -
- Stand-alone applications – Stand alone applications are simple java program developed to perform certain specific task on stand alone local computer.
- Web applets - Web applets are small java program developed for internet or network based applications. Applet program run inside a web browser.
Java Course contains three modules:
- Core Java
- J2EE
- Advance Java (Framework)
Characteristics of Java
- Platform neutral language.
- Object-orientated programming language.
- Strongly-typed programming language.
- Compiled and Interpreted language.
- Automatic memory management.
Applications of Java
Java can be used for any of following type of application:
- Real-time Systems.
- Embedded Systems.
- Simulation and Modelling.
- Object Oriented Databases.
- Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems.
- CIM/CAD/CAM Systems.
- Neural Networks and Parallel Programming.
- Decision Support Systems.
Advantages of Java
- Java is easy to learn and is a free software.
- Java is a object-oriented.
- Java is platform-independent.
- Easy transition to C++ and other languages.
- Java runs on multiple platforms like Windows, Linux, etc. - some languages work only for Window applications, for an example.
- Java is robust.
- Java has built-in support for multi threading. This makes it possible to run several things at once.
Who can learn JAVA?
Freshers, MCA, BCA, BE, Btech, ME, Mtech, Bsc, MSc, non technical background students. Working corporate who wants to shift into web development.